I have an 85 b2. 2.8L v6 with Mazda tk5 tranny. 4x4. I've heard to use automatic fluid and I've also heard 80/90 gear oil. Which is right and how much do I put in? 2 auto parts stores said 2 quarts of 80/90 gear oil so that's what I did. I just want to make sure. Figured I would ask the experts
update to shifter problems
I took pan off bottom of tranny. It was the shifting forks out of sync. I moved the forks from under the tranny. Lined them back up and found neutral. Put shifter back on and it worked perfect. Thanks for everyone's help.
And I have a tk5 transmission. When I look down into it I see a rod with a gear on it. And it has a piece on the rod that the bottom of the shifter sits in. That's all I see. I can't be the only one to have this problem can I?
I have an 85 bronco 2 with a 5 speed manual transmission( tk5). I took the shifter assembly out this weekend and replaced it and now the gearing is hosed. With the stick in the neutral position is actually reverse. Shifter will move forward and backward. That's it. No side to side. Has anyone...
Yesterday i bought an 85 bronco 2. 5 speed manual granny. 2.8 v6. today i put it in reverse and the whole shifter came off in my hand. I found the little ball joint that goes on the bottom of the shift stick. It fell into the transmission. How did this happen? what am i missing parts wise to...
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