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Recent content by Doom's Day Custom

  1. Doom's Day Custom

    Tranfer-Case Motor

    U-joints or axles
  2. Doom's Day Custom

    Staring Problems

    I have a 99' ford explorer with a 5.0l... I have done a full tune and post what up below what I replaced so far.. But my troubles are the the motors turns but it has a hard time starting up and starter has to turn the motor for extended times in order for the motor to start up... This does not...
  3. Doom's Day Custom

    A4ld trans 93 Explorer

    yeah no problem happy to help!!!
  4. Doom's Day Custom

    A4ld trans 93 Explorer

    Here check this out hope it helps.. http://www.fastenal.com check here for the number for each size http://www.gearhob.com/eng/design/drill_eng.htm
  5. Doom's Day Custom

    Fuel cell help needed!!!!

    Okay thanks for info!!!:icon_thumby:
  6. Doom's Day Custom

    Fuel cell help needed!!!!

    I don't see the point of running a high pressure pump and a low pressure pump because the low pump only pulls a certain amount of fuel to maintain pressure and where the high pressure pump needs alot of fuel to maintain pressure.. So to me the high pressure pump would over load or pull to much...
  7. Doom's Day Custom

    got stuck again

    there you go man and its all fun even when you get stuck and i am poor too...
  8. Doom's Day Custom

    got stuck bad pics

    Yeah but i am not sure but all i know is something about sticking something into a hole lol !!!!
  9. Doom's Day Custom

    got stuck bad pics

    lol thank for the invitation man i will take up on that offer and right now my truck is stock and i can't do much for right now because my girlfriend is pregnant!!!
  10. Doom's Day Custom

    got stuck bad pics

  11. Doom's Day Custom

    got stuck bad pics

    i would say you need a new set of tire!!!! great pic
