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Recent content by 85b

  1. 85b

    driveshaft issues.

    A couple weeks ago I broke a back 4 bolt toke on my 85, ordered a driveshaft from the junkyard, anyways the one I got is a double ujoint cv style shaft and the one from my 85 is single ujoint with 2 4 bolt flanges. Any way to swap over to the double? I can always pull the flange off the one I...
  2. 85b

    Fixing the back windows

    I have a 1985 B2 that was recently in an accident, hit my drivers side fender and rear quarter panel just nearly missing my back window (hit the trim), but now when I drive I swear the windows about to pop out. I need help on how to take it out and the best thing to reseal/make it stay in...
  3. 85b

    Free exhaust

    Hi, I'm not sure if this is against the rules, and if it is i will gladly take it down, but my local offroad shop is having a free exhaust contest and my Bronco 2 is in it. Please click on the link provided if you have a facebook (nothing harmful, promise) and like the picture. THANK YOU...
