I definetly know what your talking about, i have changed my mind over the last year so many times. I was going to get a motorcycle, then wanted a miata for all performance, then a fullsize truck, then decided to just stick with my beast and deck it out lol. But ive changed my mind so many times with what i want to do with my truck its crazy. This winter i will have my audio done, 4 eight inch subs on 1500 watts, all the good stuff. we just finished the sound deadner and the carpet before that, i have some neon bars under my seats i put there today, and just been basically trying to improve stuff slowly, but big changes are coming and i cant wait to see it lifted with the pro comps and tires. I want to eventually go high, maybe a total of 8 inches with a re gear and all that stuff, maybe by the end of next summer.